Latest News

AustralianSuper under investigation for delayed death benefit payouts

AustralianSuper is being investigated by ASIC over delays in paying out death benefits, after it remediated members last year.

Cbus divests renewable asset

Cbus and CVC's infrastructure strategy have sold their stake in a portfolio of Australian renewable energy projects.

One more vote needed for $3m super tax

Despite being dropped from the Senate program today, the Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions Bill could soon be a reality, with the government needing to secure just one more supporter.

BUSSQ loses legal bid to overturn additional licence conditions

Industry superannuation fund BUSSQ has lost its legal challenge against APRA, with the Federal Court dismissing its bid to overturn additional licence conditions.

Latest White Papers

Ethics & Governance

APRA increasing scrutiny of trustees' expenditure

MICHELLE LEVY, SIMUN SOLJO   This paper will highlight what APRA plans to do over the coming 12 months through surveillance and enforcement action and areas of its likely focus, and then set out practical steps trustees can take now to prepare for increased scrutiny and possible enforcement action from APRA.

Challenge and opportunity in decarbonisation

MANS CARLSSON   The science is very clear. The world needs to decarbonise to avoid a potential ecological disaster.


Private equity 2025 outlook: Soft landings into dry powder

RAINER ENDER   Will falling rates mark the return of liquidity to private equity?

Gold's long-term expected return

WORLD GOLD COUNCIL   While gold's contribution to managing portfolio risk is well established, supported by a large body of work devoted to its hedging characteristics, its contribution to portfolio return is not.


Insurance-linked securities: Beyond the boom

MARTIN REA, CHRIS MCAVOY   Early in 2023, JANA identified the potential of insurance-linked securities (ILS) as a favourable investment avenue. Subsequently, the sector experienced an exceptional year, delivering record returns.

Evolution of disability cover in superannuation

CARLOS LOPEZ, ALISON BODINNAR   Acollaborative effort is needed to develop a more equitable and sustainable framework for supporting members with a disability, especially those with mental health-related disabilities.


Generative AI in systematic investing

ACADIAN ASSET MANAGEMENT (AUST   Generative AI gained widespread attention following the debut of ChatGPT by OpenAI in 2022. While the technology may seem new, its origins and applications trace back to the mid-2000s.

Technology trends in the retirement market

DEVAN NAIDOO   The retirement landscape is undergoing a seismic shift. With changing demographics, longer life spans, and evolving economic trends, it has become imperative for the pension industry to move with the times.


Helping DC members get the best retirement outcome

DAVID KNOX   With the continuing growth of defined contribution (DC) pension plans around the world, it is critical that policies and principles are developed to ensure that retirees from these DC plans receive the best retirement outcome possible.

Changes to the retirement condition of release

STUART SHEARY   The most common condition of release to access superannuation is 'retirement' upon reaching preservation age.

Administration & Management

Investing is about judgements, not knowledge

STEPHEN ARNOLD   There is a presumption in the investment community that greater information creates better investment outcomes. I have not seen any evidence that supports this.

Insights into superannuation fund mergers

ZEIN EL HASSAN   This paper explores the different legal structures available to superannuation fund trustees that enable potential merger partners to access the benefits of scale on the pathway to full integration via a successor fund transfer (SFT).

Communications & Marketing

Federal Court decision reinforces ASIC's stance on greenwashing

ILONA MILLAR, KELVIN NG, SARAH MARTIN, LILY MORTON   On 5 June 2024, the Federal Court found that LGSS Pty Ltd, as the trustee of the superannuation fund now known as Active Super made false or misleading representations and engaged in conduct that was liable to mislead the public about its ESG credentials in breach of the ASIC Act

Keeping members informed about retirement options

ANTHONY ASHER   As part of a current UNSW project researching the obstacles to the introduction of lifetime income streams faced by superannuation trustees, some interviewees have raised the legal restrictions on communicating with members.


Advice fees from superannuation

SAMANTHA HILLS   It pays to understand super trustees' obligations when it comes to advice fees.

Legacy pension reforms

MICHAEL HALLINAN   Without fanfare or prior notice, the government has initiated legacy pension reform. This means that the five year commutation window has now commenced.


A holistic approach to SMSF property compliance

SHELLEY BANTON   Property investment within SMSFs remains a popular strategy for building retirement wealth, but compliance requires a comprehensive approach.

Creating an SMSF investment strategy using ETFs

BETASHARES   This paper provides a step-by-step approach to crafting an SMSF investment strategy that uses ETFs as a means to achieve one's retirement goals. Additionally, it will delve into crucial aspects such as risk profiling, insurance considerations, and other obligations mandated by superannuation laws.

Taxation & Estate Planning

How low should you go with concessional contributions?

SCOTT QUINN   Making voluntary concessional contributions has long been a tax-effective strategy for individuals wanting to save for retirement.

Auto-reversionary pensions

WILLIAM FETTES, DANIEL BUTLER   Instead of starting from the position that automatically reversionary pensions are always or usually the preferred option, advisers should be aware of the potential advantages and disadvantages that can arise in different circumstances, including in respect of the proposed Division 296 tax.

Cover Story

Age of activism

JAMES FERNYHOUGH   UniSuper chief investment officer John Pearce talks to FS Super associate editor James Fernyhough about Westfield, company engagement, and the role of members in investment strategy.

A career in retrospect

JAMES FERNYHOUGH   In September, HESTA chief executive Anne-Marie Corboy announced that she would be standing down after 16 years at the helm of one of Australia's largest super funds. James Fernyhough caught up with her to hear her thoughts on HESTA's evolution, the purpose of superannuation, and why the media ...