Ethics & Governance PHOEBE WYNN-POPE , ANDREW LUMSDEN | FRIDAY, 28 FEB 2020 In February 2019, the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry, (Final Report), led by the Hon Kenneth Hayne AC QC, was published, Shortly thereafter, the government published ... Read more HARRY NEW , VINCE BATTAGLIA | FRIDAY, 6 MAR 2020 This paper outlines changes to fees and costs disclosure requirements for superannuation products and collective investment products implemented by ASIC Corporations (Disclosure of Fees and Costs) Instrument 2019/1070 (Instrument 2019/1070) and as explained ... Read more ALLY CROWTHER | FRIDAY, 3 JUL 2020 Allens said at the outset of this pandemic that financial advice will play an important role in supporting members who are considering whether to access their superannuation early. Read more Technology BENJAMIN DI MARCO , THERESA LEWIN , LUCY COOPER | WEDNESDAY, 11 MAR 2020 A complex web of cyber security obligations has been created for the superannuation industry with the advent of a recent prudential standard in regard to information security. Many funds are struggling to develop strategies to address what is now re ... Read more SHAUN MCKENNA | THURSDAY, 23 JUL 2020 In looking at the developments in the Australian superannuation industry, it is clear there is a growing need for flexibility, agility and resiliency in both technology and operating models. Read more Retirement RAHUL SINGH | WEDNESDAY, 18 MAR 2020 To access their superannuation, an individual needs to meet a condition of release. One of the conditions of release is attaining preservation age, which entitles a person to access their superannuation in the form of an income stream, with a restriction ... Read more MICHAEL MCLEAN | WEDNESDAY, 8 APR 2020 A lifetime income stream including a lifetime annuity, can provide secure, regular income for life, providing clients with peace of mind in retirement regardless of how long they live or how investment markets perform. Once a decision has been made ... Read more MICHAEL MCLEAN | FRIDAY, 8 MAY 2020 A lifetime income stream that includes a lifetime annuity can provide secure, regular income for life, providing clients with peace of mind in retirement regardless of how long they live or how investment markets perform. Read more Investment RAEWYN WILLIAMS , JOSHUA MCKENZIE | FRIDAY, 27 MAR 2020 Off-market share buybacks are a curious form of Australian corporate action: what rational investor would deliberately elect to sell back shares at a price below market value? The answer lies in the aftertax value of the transaction. A superannuation ... Read more KIM CATECHIS | FRIDAY, 24 APR 2020 The markets have been reacting violently to the sudden weakness in the oil price. Read more Administration & Management MICHAEL CHAAYA | FRIDAY, 3 APR 2020 The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused significant disruption across business and society. Read more BRYCE FIGOT , DANIEL BUTLER | THURSDAY, 16 APR 2020 SMSFs that own property are facing the prospect of tenants falling behind in their rent payments and their other obligations under the lease due to the economic stress arising from COVID-19. Read more RAHOUL CHOWDRY | FRIDAY, 1 MAY 2020 This paper outlines how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the financial services industry in Australia to date-what it means from a macroeconomic, government, regulatory and financial services industry participant's viewpoint. Read more GRAEME COLLEY | FRIDAY, 17 JUL 2020 With the end of another financial year it is time to ensure that SMSFs (self-managed superannuation funds) have everything ready to allow a smooth completion of the SMSF's 2019/20 financials and tax return. Read more |
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Further Reading
Cover Story

Climbing to the top
Vanguard Australia managing director Daniel Shrimski is determined to propel the investment giant's superannuation product into the top 10 funds by assets under management by 2030. It's an audacious goal, even for a fund backed by the world's second largest asset manager. Andrew McKean writes.