Showing 1 to 10 of 27 articles: MARTIN REA , CHRIS MCAVOY | FRIDAY, 5 JUL 2024 Early in 2023, JANA identified the potential of insurance-linked securities (ILS) as a favourable investment avenue. Subsequently, the sector experienced an exceptional year, delivering record returns. Read more CARLOS LOPEZ , ALISON BODINNAR | FRIDAY, 7 JUN 2024 Acollaborative effort is needed to develop a more equitable and sustainable framework for supporting members with a disability, especially those with mental health-related disabilities. Read more BRENT SATILL | THURSDAY, 19 OCT 2023 With the superannuation sector and self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) growing at a rapid rate, the need for public offer and industry superannuation funds to provide a compelling offer to members is more important than ever before. Read more SIMUN SOLJO , ALLY CROWTHER | FRIDAY, 12 MAY 2023 This paper will highlight further action superannuation trustees should be taking as identified in REP 760 against the backdrop of their regulatory obligations. Read more JONATHAN LIGHT , VALESKA BLOCH , JOSHUA ANDERSON , ROBERT MARSH , EMILIANA GALLEGO | FRIDAY, 27 JAN 2023 The proliferation of cyber extortion and ransomware, together with the threat of state-sponsored, state-sanctioned and spill-over cyberattacks, has intensified an already heightened global cyber threat environment. Read more MEG HEFFRON | FRIDAY, 9 DEC 2022 When an SMSF member with insurance dies before 65 there is potentially a special tax deduction available known as a 'future service' deduction. But it is surprising how often an SMSF cannot claim it. Read more JOHN O'MAHONY , BEN LODEWIJKS | FRIDAY, 12 AUG 2022 Inclusion of additional member characteristics could improve value for money of policies. This paper comprises excerpts from Deloitte Access Economics paper The future of insurance through superannuation. Read more ALEX KOODRIN | FRIDAY, 4 MAR 2022 If your client base includes business owners, chances are you have turned your mind to what might happen to their superannuation and proceeds from life insurance policies should their circumstances drastically change, and they become bankrupt. Read more AUSTRALIAN PRUDENTIAL REGULATION AUTHORITY | TUESDAY, 27 APR 2021 Life and disability insurance are important benefits offered by superannuation funds to Australians. Under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS Act), all members in MySuper (default) products must have death and permanent incapacity ... Read more |
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