Ethics & Governance ANDREW BOAL | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 Towers Watson's Andrew Boal gives his views on the topical question of whether super funds should be forced to have a quota of independent directors. Read more MANS CARLSSON | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 AMP Capital senior research analyst Mans Carlsson-Sweeny draws some key distinctions between environment, social and governance (ESG) investing, and its sister disciplines of responsible and ethical investment. Read more GORDON HAGART | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 ACSI's latest paper on sustainability reporting in Australia reveals a steady improvement, but finds some companies are still falling short. Read more JAMES FERNYHOUGH | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 Last month's United Nations Climate Summit saw a flurry of announcements from some of the world's major institutional investors, ranging from pledges to divest from fossil fuels, to calls on governments to introduce carbon pricing. But how serious ... Read more AMANDA WILSON , SUSHEELA PERES DA COSTA | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 Regnan's Amanda Wilson and Susheela Peres da Costa look at the controversial issue of executive remuneration. Read more MICHELLE LEVY | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 Superannuation fund trustees and their lawyers (including this one) have been grappling for years with what the covenant in section 52(2)(c) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (the SIS Act) means. What must a trustee do to exercise ... Read more Investment SIMON O'CONNOR | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 RIAA chief executive Simon O'Connor discusses the importance of responsible investment, arguing that consumers are increasingly expecting their super funds to invest their money ethically. Read more MADHU GAYER | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 Madhu Gayer of BNP Paribas compares two strategies for measuring risk: the European Synthetic Risk Reward Indicator and the Australian Standard Risk Measure. Read more HELGA BIRGDEN | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 Mercer's Helga Birgden looks at how asset managers and pension funds are tackling the risks associated with climate change. Read more ARIF HUSAIN | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 There is still a place for fixed income, despite the fact that the 30-year bond bull market has ended, argues T. Rowe Price's Arif Husain. Read more Cover Story JAMES FERNYHOUGH | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 In September, HESTA chief executive Anne-Marie Corboy announced that she would be standing down after 16 years at the helm of one of Australia's largest super funds. James Fernyhough caught up with her to hear her thoughts on HESTA's evolution ... Read more JAMES FERNYHOUGH | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 The Financial System Inquiry report will be released this Sunday, and it is widely expected to have something to say about superannuation fund governance - namely, that the boards of super funds should have a quota of independent trustees. While many ... Read more Insurance JAMES FERNYHOUGH , LAURA MILLAN | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 In the wake of the group insurance crisis, super funds are one-by-one renegotiating their contracts with their life insurers. As a result, premiums are rising significantly, in many cases bringing them in line with retail premiums. This is causing some ... Read more Administration & Management DARREN STEVENS | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 While the Australian superannuation industry has been preoccupied in recent years with responding to a raft of regulatory change, the world has not stood still. A number of forces have come into play that stand to radically shape and transform the superannuation ... Read more |
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Growing super balances show more work to be done: ASFA
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The super, super fund
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