Investment SARAH BARKER , ELLIE MULHOLLAND | THURSDAY, 3 DEC 2020 Superannuation trustees and company directors had been keenly anticipating the outcome of the claim by Mark McVeigh against the trustee of REST Super. The case was regarded as the first opportunity globally for the courts to make a call on strategy ... Read more JESSE IMER | FRIDAY, 20 AUG 2021 'Lower for Longer' - central bank monetary policy. 'There's no income in fixed income.' 'How can bond yields move any lower?' Read more TIM HUMPHREYS | FRIDAY, 29 OCT 2021 Renewable energy companies are the typical 'go-to' exposure for the thematic of energy transition but can carry higher risk. An alternative way to play this transition is through the regulated utilities sector. Opportunity lies in the fact that utilities ... Read more Administration & Management STEVE FREEBORN | THURSDAY, 30 SEP 2021 Administration operations models in the Australian superannuation market are evolving. What funds want from their providers and what service providers can offer is changing. Read more CALASTONE PTY LIMITED | SATURDAY, 6 NOV 2021 Fund administration and the role of the transfer agent sits at the heart of today's mutual fund industry. The transfer agent's fundamental role is to administer the register that records each investor's holding of units in a fund, providing a 'single ... Read more Compliance MATT DALEY , VANESSA PALLONE , NICK KILLALEA | FRIDAY, 27 AUG 2021 The passage of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Your Future, Your Super) Bill 2021 (YFYS Bill) in Parliament during June, marked one of the largest shake-ups to Australia's superannuation system in decades. The Your Future, Your Super (YFYS) reforms ... Read more ALEX DUNNIN | FRIDAY, 22 OCT 2021 The Treasury Laws Amendment (Your Future, Your Super) Act 2021 (YFYS) that came into effect on 1 July 2021 requires the superannuation industry to improve its efficiency, transparency and accountability. Read more Retirement DOUG MCBIRNIE | FRIDAY, 3 SEP 2021 The superannuation sector has been effective in helping millions of Australians build a nest egg to improve their standard of living in retirement. One of the biggest challenges facing the retirement system today is how best to transform accumulated ... Read more DANIELLE BOSE | FRIDAY, 26 NOV 2021 On 27 September 2021, the federal government (government) released Exposure Draft legislation that will introduce a Retirement Income Covenant (RIC) for trustees of registrable superannuation entities (RSEs) as part of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) ... Read more Ethics & Governance GABRIELA PIRANA | THURSDAY, 16 SEP 2021 After a long wait following Treasury's initial proposal paper issued in January 2020, the Financial Accountability Regime (FAR) draft legislation has arrived, and there are a few key items that require consideration by superannuation trustees. Read more BARNABY WIENER , VISHAL HINDOCHA | FRIDAY, 10 DEC 2021 Sustainability in focus Read more SMSFs GRAEME COLLEY | FRIDAY, 8 OCT 2021 Cryptocurrency is a virtual or digital currency which allows people to pay for goods and services directly through an online system. It has no legislated or intrinsic value and it is simply worth what people are willing to pay for it on the open mar ... Read more Communications & Marketing ANDREW KORBEL | FRIDAY, 15 OCT 2021 As an oil and gas giant recently became the first corporate to be hit with Australian proceedings for alleged climate-related 'greenwashing', one thing is clear: companies need to be very careful when making claims about their climate-friendly ... Read more Taxation & Estate Planning GRAEME COLLEY | SUNDAY, 5 DEC 2021 Many trustees and members of not only SMSFs, but also public offer superannuation funds, are interested in the payment of death benefits if they or their spouse were to die. This usually revolves around who is eligible to receive the death benefits ... Read more |
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Industry superannuation fund BUSSQ has lost its legal challenge against APRA, with the Federal Court dismissing its bid to overturn additional licence conditions.
Further Reading
Cover Story

Climbing to the top
Vanguard Australia managing director Daniel Shrimski is determined to propel the investment giant's superannuation product into the top 10 funds by assets under management by 2030. It's an audacious goal, even for a fund backed by the world's second largest asset manager. Andrew McKean writes.