Administration & Management JONATHAN STEFFANONI | WEDNESDAY, 27 MAY 2015 Is the market for superannuation administration services in Australia at the end of the road? The marketplace for what we call superannuation administration services is no longer competitive. Yet, competitive risks and opportunities remain if we divide ... Read more RAEWYN WILLIAMS | WEDNESDAY, 27 MAY 2015 Investing with an after-tax focus is an idea whose time has come. But every idea is only as good as its implementation, and superannuation funds are now facing the important question of who can help. This paper examines two alternative approaches available ... Read more ALEX BURKE | THURSDAY, 29 OCT 2015 Keeping members engaged has become a critical issue for superannuation funds, particularly in light of increasing competition in the sector, and mastering digital channels appears to be the proverbial Holy Grail in this regard. Read more Ethics & Governance REBECCA JAMES | WEDNESDAY, 27 MAY 2015 In an attempt to simplify the superannuation guarantee (SG) regime, and reduce the penalties associated with the SG charge (SGC), the federal government has introduced the draft Superannuation Guarantee Legislation Amendment (Simplification) Bill 2015 ... Read more HELGA BIRGDEN , KAREN LOCKRIDGE | WEDNESDAY, 27 MAY 2015 Imagine the investable universe could be examined through a telescope. The simplest scope might give you a better view of the more obvious risks and opportunities out there on your investment time horizon. Just as an astronomer needs to see farther ... Read more SIMON O'CONNOR | THURSDAY, 29 OCT 2015 The importance of focusing capital markets on the longer term is a matter of much international discussion, debate and regulation globally. This global activity on this issue - for example the UK's Kay Review and Stewardship Codes, the EU Shareholder ... Read more DAVID BRAGA | THURSDAY, 29 OCT 2015 BNP Paribas Securities Services recently commissioned the Economist Intelligence Unit to write this paper that how the world's leading pension funds, superannuation funds and insurance companies are reorganising their operations to help meet long-term ... Read more DAVID BRAGA | THURSDAY, 29 OCT 2015 BNP Paribas Securities Services recently commissioned the Economist Intelligence Unit to write this paper that how the world's leading pension funds, superannuation funds and insurance companies are reorganising their operations to help meet long-term ... Read more HENDRIE KOSTER | THURSDAY, 29 OCT 2015 Many of the key themes seen in the superannuation industry over the last couple of years remain constant as we enter 2016, with continued emphasis on post-retirement and outcome-based investing, ensuring strategies are flexible and tailored to meet ... Read more Retirement AARON MINNEY | WEDNESDAY, 27 MAY 2015 Retirees often ask their adviser if it is a good idea to lock in retirement income in a low interest rate environment. There is often a sense that "rates will have to rise" so clients assume that it makes sense to wait. To help in these discussions ... Read more ACTUARIES INSTITUTE AUSTRALIA | THURSDAY, 29 OCT 2015 Part one of this paper concentrates on longevity risk in the context of the retirement income system in Australia, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US). While there are differences in the social security, taxation, pension savings and ... Read more ACTUARIES INSTITUTE AUSTRALIA | THURSDAY, 29 OCT 2015 Part two of this paper provides an overview of each country's approach to longevity risk in the context of the retirement income. It addresses differences more than common themes in social security, taxation, pension savings and retirement income ... Read more REECE BIRTLES , WILLIAM BAYLIS | THURSDAY, 29 OCT 2015 Back in 2010, Martin Currie started to look at how the ageing population was changing the retirement environment in Australia, and how people moving into retirement were actually going to fund their retirement. Read more WILLIAM TRUONG | THURSDAY, 29 OCT 2015 In light of this year's Federal budget announcements regarding asset test changes, clients who are currently registered for the Pension Bonus Scheme (PBS) should consider applying for their bonus (where eligible) sooner rather than later in case ... Read more Investment GEMMA DALE | THURSDAY, 29 OCT 2015 The extraordinary success of the self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) sector has been widely recognised and commented on; according to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), more than 560,000 funds ... Read more JON IRELAND | THURSDAY, 29 OCT 2015 The federal parliament is currently encouraging submissions on draft legislation proposing a regulatory framework to facilitate crowd-sourced equity funding (CSEF) in Australia. Read more MARK SMITH | THURSDAY, 29 OCT 2015 With higher fees, lower liquidity and ever-transforming risk profiles, traditional hedge fund strategies are attractive to only a handful of institutional investors. But with fixed income markets serving up negative real returns, the retail market is ... Read more |
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Cover Story

Climbing to the top
Vanguard Australia managing director Daniel Shrimski is determined to propel the investment giant's superannuation product into the top 10 funds by assets under management by 2030. It's an audacious goal, even for a fund backed by the world's second largest asset manager. Andrew McKean writes.