Showing 1 to 6 of 6 articles for James Fernyhough: JAMES FERNYHOUGH | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 Last month's United Nations Climate Summit saw a flurry of announcements from some of the world's major institutional investors, ranging from pledges to divest from fossil fuels, to calls on governments to introduce carbon pricing. But how serious ... Read more JAMES FERNYHOUGH , LAURA MILLAN | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 ... premiums. This is causing some in the industry to question the future of group insurance through superannuation. James Fernyhough and Laura Millan report. At an event in Sydney recently, AustralianSuper's insurance product manager Richard Weatherhead01 ... Read more JAMES FERNYHOUGH | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 UniSuper chief investment officer John Pearce talks to FS Super associate editor James Fernyhough about Westfield, company engagement, and the role of members in investment strategy. UniSuper's recent, very public opposition to the Westfield restructure ... Read more JAMES FERNYHOUGH | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 ... announced that she would be standing down after 16 years at the helm of one of Australia's largest super funds. James Fernyhough caught up with her to hear her thoughts on HESTA's evolution, the purpose of superannuation, and why the media has ... Read more JAMES FERNYHOUGH | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 ... industry fund - MTAA Super - has already gone down the road of appointing one third independents to its board. James Fernyhough caught up with the fund's chief executive Leeanne Turner and chair John Brumby to see how it has gone. MTAA Super's ... Read more JAMES FERNYHOUGH | TUESDAY, 7 MAY 2013 As one-time chair of the Cooper Review, Jeremy Cooper knows Australia's superannuation system as well as anyone. His recommendations led to the Labor government's Stronger Super reforms, which radically changed the way the system operates. Many ... Read more PAGE: 1 |
Latest News
Growing super balances show more work to be done: ASFA
New research from the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) shows that while super balances are largely growing, there's still plenty to be done to ensure positive retirement outcomes for all.
HESTA lowers insurance fees
HESTA is introducing several insurance fee changes with most members paying less from September 28.
Aussies unprepared to manage retirement income
The complexity of retirement income decisions has left many feeling ill-equipped to manage their superannuation savings and generate an income that will deliver a comfortable lifestyle later in life, according to GBST research.
Australians rank seventh globally for retirement confidence
A Natixis Investment Managers study shows 40% of Australians don't think they'll be able to fund their own retirement, while 50% are actively avoiding thinking about it. Still, they're faring better than many other nations.
Cover Story
The super, super fund
Aware Super has marked its expansion into Europe with the grand opening of its London office.