Administration & Management CHRIS CORNEIL | WEDNESDAY, 11 JUL 2012 This note examines how lifecyle investing has evolved over time and specifically explores its potential to enhance superannuation member outcomes in Australia. Read more CAMERON O'SULLIVAN | WEDNESDAY, 11 JUL 2012 In the Australian superannuation industry, member contributions and benefit statements typically focus on the rear view mirror, emphasising past performance rather than looking at the road to retirement. This paper explains the risk of such an appro ... Read more Investment RICK DI MASCIO | WEDNESDAY, 11 JUL 2012 Rick Di Mascio investigates how effective fund managers run their winners, and demonstrates that it is a key characteristic of skillful managers. This is the first in a series of research papers on skill, and follows on from previous Inalytics reasearch ... Read more DEBORAH WIXTED | WEDNESDAY, 11 JUL 2012 With over half of all SMSF members aged 55 and over, and one-fifth aged 65 or over, it's more important than ever to plan for the succession of SMSF benefits. This paper will canvass some of the key drivers of SMSF estate planning in the coming ... Read more BRETT MACGILLIVRAY | WEDNESDAY, 11 JUL 2012 This paper will consider the size, scope and investment features of the residential property sector. What are the potential benefitsof investment in the sector? Why are there few, if any, investment products specialising in the sector? How can effective ... Read more GRAHAM HARMAN | WEDNESDAY, 11 JUL 2012 This paper looks at ways to work your asset portfolio harder, clarifying the mechanisms by which developments in secuity markets can impact an insurance company; identifying which variables are within management control, verus which are not; as well ... Read more MARK RATCLIFF | WEDNESDAY, 11 JUL 2012 This paper explores the intricacies of borrowing within a self managed super fund, taking an in-depth look at limited recourse borrowing, acquirable assets and single acquirable assets and the use of property within a SMSF. Read more Insurance JON DE FRIES | WEDNESDAY, 11 JUL 2012 Advisers working in business insurance have a lot to consider; not only deductibility of premiums, but also the implications of capital gains tax. In this paper, Jon de Fries examines the issue in regards to ownership, asset and revenue protection. Read more |
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Further Reading
Cover Story

Climbing to the top
Vanguard Australia managing director Daniel Shrimski is determined to propel the investment giant's superannuation product into the top 10 funds by assets under management by 2030. It's an audacious goal, even for a fund backed by the world's second largest asset manager. Andrew McKean writes.