Technology KEN ALLEN , PAUL GREENE , JOSHUA SPENCER , HENRY ELLENBOGEN | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 Artificial intelligence (AI), long the staple of science fiction, is quickly moving into the mainstream of everyday life. It is already disrupting some industries and companies-and forcing investors to become more nimble about how they evaluate new ... Read more ROCKY SCOPELLITI | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 We've seen that, in a fintech world, both full-stack financial service providers and those focused on particular financial service components increasingly need to seamlessly integrate their offering with those of other service providers, whether ... Read more ANDREW MACKEN | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 In football, a successful player does not run to where the ball was, or where it is right now. They run to where the ball is going to be. The same idea is followed by successful investors. They are typically less interested in the successful businesses ... Read more DEPOSITORY TRUST & CLEARING CORPORATION | FRIDAY, 21 JUL 2017 DTCC plays a critical role in protecting the integrity and stability of the global financial system. The firm stands at the center of the global marketplace, and in its role as the holding company for Systemically Important Financial Market Utilities ... Read more DEPOSITORY TRUST & CLEARING CORPORATION | FRIDAY, 28 JUL 2017 DTCC and other market infrastructures provide clearing and settlement services that support risk management and proper completion of securities transactions in the U.S. capital markets. Additionally, DTCC provides a variety of data services, such as ... Read more MEREDITH KAPLAN | FRIDAY, 4 AUG 2017 The emerging discipline of agricultural informatics applies technology and analytics to improve decision-making and fuel future growth. This data-driven approach to innovation is urgently needed to boost crop yields and food security for billions of ... Read more SCOTT KENDALL | FRIDAY, 11 AUG 2017 After a period of significant reform, the Australian superannuation industry is facing a new wave of demographic, consumer and technology changes that are transforming superannuation as we know it. Read more CALASTONE PTY LIMITED | FRIDAY, 13 OCT 2017 The financial services industry is undergoing significant technological change, and the fund management industry will not be excluded from this, especially with the rise of new technologies such as blockchain and robo-advice. Read more Investment PATRICK HOUWELING , JEROEN VAN ZUNDERT | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 Factor investing Read more SUZANNE DUNCAN | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 In this paper, the global head of State Street's Center for Applied Research, Suzanne Duncan, discusses the hidden variable missing in discussions about investment management. Read more JAMIE WILLIAMSON | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 It's hard to ignore the appeal of infrastructure as an investment option with chronic under investment in the asset class and the world's population booming. Read more ALAN GREENSTEIN | FRIDAY, 14 JUL 2017 The Australian investment market of 2017 is evolving rapidly. Read more ED PERKS , MARK MOBIUS , STEPHEN DOVER | FRIDAY, 1 SEP 2017 Out-of-sync global growth appears apt to continue in 2017, much as we have seen in the past few years. Read more ROB MEAD , FABIAN DIENEMANN | FRIDAY, 8 SEP 2017 While housing has definitely helped support the Australian economy over the past four to five years, any further increases in house prices that are in excess of wage growth will represent potential systemic risks for the Australian economy. Read more SERGIO PAZ , ERNESTO BETTONI , PABLO GOLDBERG | FRIDAY, 15 SEP 2017 The qualities that make emerging market debt attractive to institutional investors are no mystery: higher coupons than developed market debt, within a diversified investment universe. Read more ANDREW GREENUP | FRIDAY, 22 SEP 2017 The past decade has witnessed the birth of a new asset class: Global Listed Infrastructure Securities (GLIS). While investors have embraced infrastructure as an asset class since the 1990s, the idea of investing in infrastructure via listed securities ... Read more QIC LIMITED | FRIDAY, 29 SEP 2017 The "climate wars" pitting the two major political parties against each other has been one of the most debilitating features of the public policy debate in Australia over the past decade. Read more Retirement SAM MORRIS | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 While growth assets are widely accepted in asset allocation decisions during the accumulation phase, many investors overlook the benefit allocating to shares can provide in the way of growing tax-effective income in the post-retirement phase. Read more JOHN RAWLING , RODNEY HORIN | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 As Australians live longer, more and more will end up in residential aged-care. The number of people in permanent aged care in Australia is expected to triple in the next 35 years, from 225,000 today to 700,000 in 2050. Read more Ethics & Governance KAREN VOLPATO | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 Superannuation is now a fundamental part of Australian society with compulsory employer contributions, a level of assets larger than our GDP, and a growing emphasis on the provision of retirement income as the baby boomers leave the workforce. But is ... Read more PAUL CHAPMAN | FRIDAY, 7 JUL 2017 For Australia's financial services industry to transition successfully to an open data ecosystem, it is crucial to move forward in a way that promotes and safeguards consumer trust. Read more DOUG HOLMES | THURSDAY, 5 OCT 2017 Long value preservation and growth have never before depended so fundamentally on effective management of human capital. Rapid technological change and intensifying competition in an increasingly borderless commercial environment are reshaping modern ... Read more Administration & Management TOM CELLA | FRIDAY, 30 JUN 2017 Introduction to currency risk management To achieve sufficient asset diversification Australian superannuation funds are compelled to diversify into offshore assets. The typical superannuation fund default option will hold more than 30% in international ... Read more MARJON MUIZER | FRIDAY, 18 AUG 2017 Valuing the investments of your SMSF is a key component in preparing the fund's financial statements. Read more Insurance EMMA RAPAPORT | FRIDAY, 11 AUG 2017 On Monday March 7, 2016, the Australian life insurance sector changed forever. Read more |
Latest News
AustralianSuper under investigation for delayed death benefit payouts
AustralianSuper is being investigated by ASIC over delays in paying out death benefits, after it remediated members last year.
Cbus divests renewable asset
Cbus and CVC's infrastructure strategy have sold their stake in a portfolio of Australian renewable energy projects.
One more vote needed for $3m super tax
Despite being dropped from the Senate program today, the Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions Bill could soon be a reality, with the government needing to secure just one more supporter.
BUSSQ loses legal bid to overturn additional licence conditions
Industry superannuation fund BUSSQ has lost its legal challenge against APRA, with the Federal Court dismissing its bid to overturn additional licence conditions.
Further Reading
Cover Story

Climbing to the top
Vanguard Australia managing director Daniel Shrimski is determined to propel the investment giant's superannuation product into the top 10 funds by assets under management by 2030. It's an audacious goal, even for a fund backed by the world's second largest asset manager. Andrew McKean writes.