Retirement JOHN BURNETT , NICK WILKINSON | FRIDAY, 16 SEP 2016 While investment markets performed strongly from 2010 to 2014, there haven't been corresponding improvements in the projected retirement income adequacy for all groups, especially for couples. A key factor causing the somewhat mixed results is the ... Read more CRAIG RACINE | FRIDAY, 16 SEP 2016 The perfect storm: An ageing population in a low interest rate, highly indebted world Read more JEFF ROGERS | FRIDAY, 16 SEP 2016 Designing appropriate investment strategies for retirees is more challenging today than it has ever been. In the past, nominal and real interest rates were higher while average life expectancy was shorter. Furthermore, a larger number of workers had ... Read more Investment ADRIAN HARRINGTON | FRIDAY, 16 SEP 2016 In the current low interest rate environment, the hunt for yield is a powerful force. Non-residential real estate via listed real estate investment trusts (A-REITs) and unlisted real estate funds (syndicates) have both benefitted from strong investment ... Read more DARREN SNYDER | FRIDAY, 16 SEP 2016 Globally there are "I told you so" sentiments floating about the index investors in funds management. Read more AMANDA YOUNG | FRIDAY, 16 SEP 2016 Impact investing - once a niche corner of the market - has entered the mainstream. This has been driven by increasing awareness among investors of the important role they can play in order to help address the world's many environmental and social ... Read more DAVID BASSANESE | FRIDAY, 16 SEP 2016 Although Australia is a major agricultural exporter, the typical Australian investor's portfolio tends to have relatively low exposure to agriculture or "soft commodities". Read more Technology SERGE BOCCASSINI | FRIDAY, 16 SEP 2016 Feeling awash in a sea of data? You're not alone. Data has become ubiquitous. We collect it, store it, sort it and try to make use of it. Regulators demand it. Investors ask about it. Many organisations feel overwhelmed by it. Fortunately, it is ... Read more ANDREW TIDMARSH | FRIDAY, 16 SEP 2016 Risk Appetite can be defined as the level of risk the organisation is prepared to accept in the pursuit of its objectives. Some organisations use a risk appetite statement as the method to document what their appetite for risk is. Read more GRAEME COLLEY | FRIDAY, 16 SEP 2016 Whether a fund is able to conduct business activity, comply with the superannuation rules and not fall foul of a range of other issues must be met with the universal technical answer, "it depends." Read more Cover Story JONATHAN STEFFANONI | FRIDAY, 16 SEP 2016 The responsibility of superannuation trustees is greater than that of typical businesses - holding an important economic and public policy role to Australian society to provide income in retirement. What duty or responsibility do superannuation trustees ... Read more ALEXIS CHEANG | FRIDAY, 16 SEP 2016 Mercer's Alexis Cheang hears plenty of verbal commitment from Australian superannuation funds about the development and implementation of sustainable investment strategies. The continued aspiration is welcome, but Cheang believes proper execution ... Read more Insurance RAHUL SINGH | FRIDAY, 16 SEP 2016 Prior to 1 July 2014, when considering total and permanent disablement (TPD) insurance, advisers typically considered the advantages and disadvantages of owning the cover inside or outside superannuation when deciding the ownership structure. The advice ... Read more ALEX KOODRIN | FRIDAY, 16 SEP 2016 Key person insurance Read more |
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