Investment IAN MARTIN | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 There has been a great deal of media discussion about what happens to bonds when the Federal Reserve raises interest rates again. The broad consensus is that they'll raise, so the questions become: by how much, how often, when, and what is the RBA's ... Read more ROGER MONTGOMERY | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 East coasters who believe property cannot turn lower should really take a look at what is now being experienced in Perth, Western Australia, right now. Read more KATHRYN MCDONALD | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 Much of the work that has been done to date on the subject of pricing carbon involves predicting future regulations or the assessments of economic externalities. Very little work has been done to explore the impact of carbon footprint on share price ... Read more MARK AUSTIN | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 If the investment industry has a rebellious teenager in the house today, that teenager would be cash: it costs you more, is more challenging and offers little in return. Read more MIHIR WORAH , GERALDINE SUNDSTROM | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 One can hardly imagine a better inflection point to revisit asset allocation frameworks than after the U.S. presidential election, especially given increasing skepticism of free trade and open borders as well as possible changes in economic paradigms ... Read more MICHAEL HASENSTAB | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 Throughout much of 2016, bond markets held onto stretched valuations in US Treasuries, largely ignoring the undercurrents of rising inflation and resilient strength in the US labor market. During the first half of the year, there were even a number ... Read more Administration & Management JAMIE WILLIAMSON | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 Advisers and SMSF trustees are gearing up for the changes facing the industry. Jamie Williamson discusses the key issues ahead of the SMSF Association National Conference. Read more BRYCE FIGOT | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 This article will address the problems that can arise in using alternate directors in an SMSF succession planning context and suggest a possible solution. Read more GUY MCKANNA , PAUL O'BRIEN | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 There is a range of trends, themes and issues ahead that the industry believes it will need to address this year. Read more SUZANNE HOLDEN | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 A former manager in the aviation industry, Link Group's Suzanne Holden says there are more similarities in financial services than one might expect. She tells Darren Snyder how a past career helped transform the super fund administration giant. Read more Retirement MARC GLEESON | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 The removal of the 10% test from 1 July 2017 for individuals to make personal deductible contributions requires that financial advisers reconsider conventional approaches to finncial planning. Read more DOUGLAS BUCKNELL | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 Are Super Funds being hypocritical? Read more Insurance CHRISTOPHER BLAXLAND-WALKER | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 Retaining invaluable knowledge andexperience in the modern advice world Read more Ethics & Governance SALLY LOANE | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2017 The headwinds on the horizon are plain to see. Read more |
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