Showing 1 to 10 of 65 articles: MICHELLE LEVY , SIMUN SOLJO | FRIDAY, 6 DEC 2024 This paper will highlight what APRA plans to do over the coming 12 months through surveillance and enforcement action and areas of its likely focus, and then set out practical steps trustees can take now to prepare for increased scrutiny and possible ... Read more MANS CARLSSON | FRIDAY, 6 SEP 2024 The science is very clear. The world needs to decarbonise to avoid a potential ecological disaster. Read more AMAN RAMRAKHA | FRIDAY, 12 JUL 2024 Finding the right ESG investment product that delivers returns alongside positive impact, while sidestepping potential greenwash, unethical or risky business practices can be a rocky road- whether you are an institutional investor, a wholesale investor ... Read more AUSTRALIAN PRUDENTIAL REGULATION AUTHORITY | FRIDAY, 17 MAY 2024 What is a strong skills matrix, why is it important, and how can it be used to enhance the capability of superannuation fund boards, as well as boards of other APRA-regulated entities? Read more ABIGAIL GILL , SARAH CLARKE , ANDREW LUMSDEN , MARISA ORR , CLARE MOULD | FRIDAY, 27 OCT 2023 With ASIC set to intensify its regulatory focus on whistleblowing, now more than ever, it is crucial that organisations continue to undertake careful reviews of their whistleblower program to ensure they are compliant. Read more PHIL TURNER | FRIDAY, 30 JUN 2023 This paper provides an overview of ASIC's expectations and recommendations Read more JAN ANTON VAN ZANTEN | FRIDAY, 4 NOV 2022 This paper will compare Robeco's SDG score with traditional ESG ratings and explain why it can help investors create sustainable investing strategies that pursue positive impacts and avoid negative effects. Read more JONATHAN STEFFANONI , JESSICA POMEROY | FRIDAY, 14 OCT 2022 The risks of greenwashing have never been so apparent for superannuation fund trustees. Read more LISA BEATTY , ZEIN EL HASSAN , MY LINH PHAM | FRIDAY, 9 SEP 2022 This paper comprises excerpts from KPMG report Super Insights 2022: Key challenges and opportunities. Read more SIMON RUSSELL | THURSDAY, 21 JUL 2022 Superannuation fund member engagement and, in particular, anything tagged as being well-being-related appears to be in the legislative headlights. Read more |
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Further Reading
Cover Story

Climbing to the top
Vanguard Australia managing director Daniel Shrimski is determined to propel the investment giant's superannuation product into the top 10 funds by assets under management by 2030. It's an audacious goal, even for a fund backed by the world's second largest asset manager. Andrew McKean writes.