Showing 1 to 10 of 12 articles: ILONA MILLAR , KELVIN NG , SARAH MARTIN , LILY MORTON | FRIDAY, 2 AUG 2024 On 5 June 2024, the Federal Court found that LGSS Pty Ltd, as the trustee of the superannuation fund now known as Active Super made false or misleading representations and engaged in conduct that was liable to mislead the public about its ESG credentials ... Read more ANTHONY ASHER | FRIDAY, 21 JUL 2023 As part of a current UNSW project researching the obstacles to the introduction of lifetime income streams faced by superannuation trustees, some interviewees have raised the legal restrictions on communicating with members. Read more BHARAT BATHI | FRIDAY, 19 MAY 2023 Despite the long-standing history of private pension plans, superannuation was introduced to Australians 30 years ago to help them support their retirement in a financially viable way. Read more ETHAN HOWARD | FRIDAY, 29 JUL 2022 In Australia, superannuation is important and the decision to invest with the right fund is important. Read more ANDREW KORBEL | FRIDAY, 15 OCT 2021 As an oil and gas giant recently became the first corporate to be hit with Australian proceedings for alleged climate-related 'greenwashing', one thing is clear: companies need to be very careful when making claims about their climate-friendly ... Read more SIMON RUSSELL | FRIDAY, 9 JUL 2021 Superannuation fund members are not all the same; but neither are they all entirely different. Read more GUY MCKANNA , MATT MCGILTON , PAUL O'BRIEN | FRIDAY, 4 MAY 2018 There is a range of trends, themes and issues that our industry will need to address this year. Read more DOUG MCBIRNIE , JIM HENNINGTON | THURSDAY, 29 OCT 2015 Life expectancy is a statistical indication of how long a person may live as opposed to an estimate of how long they will live. It is typically based on their year of birth, current age and gender. The most commonly used measure of life expectancy is ... Read more BRUCE STAFFORD | TUESDAY, 1 JAN 2008 Super funds have a technical heritage but to survive in tomorrow's much more competitive environment they will have to become true marketing organisations. Negotiating these challenges means coming to terms with choice of fund, industry consolidation ... Read more |
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One more vote needed for $3m super tax
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Industry superannuation fund BUSSQ has lost its legal challenge against APRA, with the Federal Court dismissing its bid to overturn additional licence conditions.
Further Reading
Cover Story

Climbing to the top
Vanguard Australia managing director Daniel Shrimski is determined to propel the investment giant's superannuation product into the top 10 funds by assets under management by 2030. It's an audacious goal, even for a fund backed by the world's second largest asset manager. Andrew McKean writes.