Ethics & Governance DANIEL BUTLER , WILLIAM FETTES | FRIDAY, 12 OCT 2018 A recent unanimous decision of the Full Federal Court represents a major win for SMSFs and taxpayers on the topic of the sole purpose test. This decision overturns the primary judge's decision at first instance in Aussiegolfa Pty Ltd v Commissioner ... Read more STUART SHEARY | FRIDAY, 2 NOV 2018 Gaining greater control and investment flexibility are often significant motivators for people setting up a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF). SMSFs provide the ability to invest in a wide range of investments, including direct property, unlisted ... Read more Investment DAMIEN WOOD | FRIDAY, 19 OCT 2018 The saying goes that a rising tide floats all boats. In the land of credit, it has been a king tide enabling almost anyone to get a loan or issue a bond - as long the interest paid was high enough. This works fine when someone else is willing to refinance ... Read more RAEWYN WILLIAMS , CHRIS DREW , MAHESH PRITAMANI | FRIDAY, 26 OCT 2018 Having the right ingredients for equity investing is mission-critical for superannuation funds. On average, APRA-regulated funds invest almost half of members' capital (47%) into listed equities portfolios. Much research exists on the ingredients funds ... Read more MATTHEW STROTTON , MATTHEW PETER | FRIDAY, 9 NOV 2018 US consumer tail wind augurs well for A and B grade malls Read more Retirement DAVID ORFORD | THURSDAY, 6 DEC 2018 The risk of financial advisers using the Australian life tables (ALT) to help clients prepare for retirement will lead to Australians facing ongoing challenges as they increasingly outlive their life expectations provided by static tables - ultimately ... Read more |
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AustralianSuper under investigation for delayed death benefit payouts
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Cbus divests renewable asset
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One more vote needed for $3m super tax
Despite being dropped from the Senate program today, the Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions Bill could soon be a reality, with the government needing to secure just one more supporter.
BUSSQ loses legal bid to overturn additional licence conditions
Industry superannuation fund BUSSQ has lost its legal challenge against APRA, with the Federal Court dismissing its bid to overturn additional licence conditions.
Further Reading
Cover Story

Climbing to the top
Vanguard Australia managing director Daniel Shrimski is determined to propel the investment giant's superannuation product into the top 10 funds by assets under management by 2030. It's an audacious goal, even for a fund backed by the world's second largest asset manager. Andrew McKean writes.