Australian Prudential Regulation Authority The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) is an independent statutory authority that supervises institutions across banking, insurance and superannuation, and is accountable to the Australian Parliament. APRA was established by the Australian Government on 1 July 1998 following the recommendations of the Wallis Inquiry into the Australian financial system.
AUSTRALIAN PRUDENTIAL REGULATION AUTHORITY | FRIDAY, 17 MAY 2024 What is a strong skills matrix, why is it important, and how can it be used to enhance the capability of superannuation fund boards, as well as boards of other APRA-regulated entities? Read more AUSTRALIAN PRUDENTIAL REGULATION AUTHORITY | FRIDAY, 21 OCT 2022 Superannuation trustees have long outsourced services, such as administration and investment management functions, to external providers. Read more AUSTRALIAN PRUDENTIAL REGULATION AUTHORITY | FRIDAY, 8 APR 2022 This paper represents an excerpt from APRA's 2021 Year in Review. Read more AUSTRALIAN PRUDENTIAL REGULATION AUTHORITY | FRIDAY, 4 MAR 2022 Compliance risk has traditionally been the poor cousin of longer-established risks to financial services organisations, such as credit and market risk. But that's no longer true. Recent high-profile compliance risk failures have made headlines ... Read more AUSTRALIAN PRUDENTIAL REGULATION AUTHORITY | TUESDAY, 27 APR 2021 Life and disability insurance are important benefits offered by superannuation funds to Australians. Under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS Act), all members in MySuper (default) products must have death and permanent incapacity ... Read more PAGE: 1 |
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The super, super fund
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