Simon Russell Director, Behavioural Finance Australia Russell is the founder and director of Behavioural Finance Australia. He provides specialist behavioural finance training and consultancy services to financial advisers, fund managers and major superannuation funds. His most recent book, Behavioural finance: a guide for financial advisers, is intended to help financial advisers prepare for the behavioural-finance-related components of the FASEA exam, and improve their client engagement skills.
SIMON RUSSELL | THURSDAY, 21 JUL 2022 Superannuation fund member engagement and, in particular, anything tagged as being well-being-related appears to be in the legislative headlights. Read more SIMON RUSSELL | FRIDAY, 9 JUL 2021 Superannuation fund members are not all the same; but neither are they all entirely different. Read more SIMON RUSSELL | THURSDAY, 21 JAN 2021 How do we deal with people's behavioural biases when they make complex retirement-related decisions? This was one of the central issues discussed in the recently released Retirement Income Review. In particular, a key problem that addressed by the ... Read more SIMON RUSSELL | MONDAY, 3 SEP 2018 If you could make a single change to standard practices in the investment industry, one that would help both investment professionals and their clients, what would it be? The Royal Commission might suggest a few changes. But how about simply reversing ... Read more SIMON RUSSELL | FRIDAY, 8 JUN 2018 The Productivity Commission (PC) recently released its draft report on the efficiency and competitiveness of the Australian superannuation industry. The PC explicitly took on board some findings from the behavioural finance research literature and ... Read more PAGE: 1 |
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Rest appoints general counsel
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Superannuation being used for house deposits would push up home prices, undermining Australians' home ownership prospects, slash retirement savings, and come at a significant cost to the Budget, according to a Corinna Economic Advisory report by Saul Eslake.
Super to be paid on parental leave from July 2025
The legislation that will see superannuation contributions paid alongside government-funded parental leave entitlements passed parliament this morning.
Payday Super penalties ramped up ahead of legislation
Employers who fail to pay superannuation contributions within seven days of paying wages will face harsh penalties under the government's new Payday Super laws.
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The super, super fund
Aware Super has marked its expansion into Europe with the grand opening of its London office.