Stephen Graham Trustee Advocate, TAL Limited (at time of writing) Stephen Graham is a corporate governance professional who has more than twenty years experience in the superannuation and insurance industries. He has wide ranging expertise in the fields of compliance, risk management, and trustee services, and holds degree qualifications in commerce and law. Stephen joined TOWER in 2007 as the Trustee Advocate and heads the Office of the Trustee. In this role, he is responsible for the strategic and governance functions of TOWER’s superannuation trustee as well as championing the interests of its members. This includes advising on and approving death and disability claims paid from TOWER’s superannuation products. Stephen has drawn on his experience and experience to establish best practice trustee governance arrangements in TOWER and championed the rationalisation of TOWER’s superannuation funds from 8 to 1 in 2010. Stephen has contributed to the industry through a number of articles which explain the finer nuances of superannuation, especially around insurance and death benefit payments, and preparing TOWER’s submissions to the Cooper Review.
STEPHEN GRAHAM | MONDAY, 4 FEB 2013 According to recent Lifewise / NATSEM research, 95 per cent of Australian families don't have adequate insurance cover. This dramatic level of underinsurance provides a significant opportunity for financial advisers, especially when the client's superannuation ... Read more PAGE: 1 |
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