Darren Stevens Director Product Management & Strategy, Bravura Solutions Limited (at time of writing)
DARREN STEVENS | FRIDAY, 12 JAN 2018 There is increasing talk about the impact of fintech on the Australian superannuation industry. Read more DARREN STEVENS | THURSDAY, 29 OCT 2015 A number of years ago Bill Gates presciently observed that: "Banking is essential, banks are not". In the interim, we have seen the emergence and rising popularity of peer-to-peer lending, crowd-funding and new payment platforms, along with ... Read more DARREN STEVENS | SUNDAY, 4 AUG 2013 While the Australian superannuation industry has been preoccupied in recent years with responding to a raft of regulatory change, the world has not stood still. A number of forces have come into play that stand to radically shape and transform the superannuation ... Read more PAGE: 1 |
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The super, super fund
Aware Super has marked its expansion into Europe with the grand opening of its London office.